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Agile IPMA Training

In 2020, IPMA Czech Republic will launch a new certification IPMA Agile Leadership. There are many approaches and frameworks on the market for an agile way of managing a company – Scrum, SAFe, LeSS, “Spotify”, Scrum of Scrum and many others. All of  they focus primarily on processes, ceremonies, team synchronization, program or portfolio management methods. In all cases, these are essential elements of the doing agile status. The transition to the being agile  phase primarily entails a change in the thinking of individuals, from a managerial – “directive” approach  to a more leadership style.

Just as the IPMA standard focuses on the ability of a project manager to order and deliver a complex project and evaluates everything through the so-called key competencies, the new IPMA Agile Leadership certification focuses primarily on the behavioral abilities of an individual to be a leader in an agile company. It thus provides very valuable feedback to certification candidates on which areas the candidate should focus on in personal development if they want to function successfully in an agile company.

At Red Tie, the area of ​​agility is one of the key areas that we focus on and where we provide services to our clients. For the new IPMA Agile Leadership certification, we have prepared a 2-day training for you, which will prepare you not only for the exam itself, but also to succeed in the role of agile coaches, transformational leaders, Product owners,…

Training dates will be announced during December on the website

More information about the IPMA Agile Leadership certification can be found on the blog New Agile Leadership certification from IPMA – REDTIE